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Hi ,

My name is Cody. I'm a Boston-based artist, designer, and developer, applying for the open position at .

I come from a traditional art background, infusing a lifelong interest in technology towards building a diverse physical/digital skillset. I thrive in multidisciplinary design roles, proven through independent projects and backed by years of agency experience for brands like JetBlue and Burger King. I also have equal years of in-house experience within the B2B SaaS space. I currently lead the creative team and manage brand design at Immuta.

In my spare time I run string&&loop, a design-driven sock brand and production business. There, I take ownership of .

I love the way and would be honored to be able to contribute as part of the team.

You’ll find my resume uploaded and websites linked, which should give you a better idea of what I can bring to as a , as well as who I am as a person.

Personal Portfolio - codybenlewis.com
Business - stringandloop.com

I look forward to getting a chance to show my work, share some stories, and discuss potential fit for this role.

Thank you for your consideration,
Cody Ben Lewis