JetBlue Boston Marathon
Often ignored by brands, spectators are equally important to the Boston Marathon as the runners who compete in it. As a title sponsor, JetBlue wanted their 2019 marathon activation to support the fans. Tapping into the event’s historic culture, we created an on-demand poster printing truck and provided customized signs to those who weren’t able to make or bring their own.
Boston Globe • Running Magazine

How It Worked
Partnering with a local production vendor, we placed a tailer in Coolidge Corner equipped with two industrial roll printers. We then built a web app in-house that could place messages on top of templated background images. Kristen (seen below) took orders using the app. Customers were able approve their poster via a screen mounted ouside the truck. A few minutes later, the finished product was ready at the pickup window.

By the end of the day we lined the streets of Brookline with hundreds of custom signs. Spectators got what they needed to cheer their hearts out. Runners got an additional boost of sign-aided support. We even gave out snacks.